Executive Coaching Program – Small Business Owner & Entrepreneurs
Program Overview
This program focuses on the owner and the business from the perspective of profitability, future positioning, and sustainability. These factors are sure indicators for business stability and growth. The entry point of where we start is EOES. EOES is a Business Growth Method created by the CEO Institute to support business leaders seeing how to grow their business through several successful strategies. EOES is an acronym for Emulate, Originate, Establish and Sustain. We initiate the strategic plan process by using this method.
The core of the CEO Institute programs is EQ: Emotional Intelligence training and Operational Style indicators that support higher performance and strategic focus of the Business Owner. This program offers an Executive Coaching component that is priceless. We offer coaching services to support small business owners and entrepreneurs. We assign to each participant an Executive & Business Coach throughout the program. The 1:1 session offers dialog, suggested readings, and real-time problem-solving. The Executive & Business Coach becomes the owner’s resource for business inquiries, research, and a source for unfiltered confidential discussions about professional issues.
The program training focuses on the individual and the individual business. This program is a 10 Module Series for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs. The structure of the program is as follows:
- 10x 1-hour group virtual sessions that address business topics that support the growth and sustainability of the business. The participants will be asked to engage in the session by participation, personal research, planning and readings as subscribed the facilitator.
- 2x, 1-hour virtual or in-person Executive & Business Coaching sessions . The 1:1 session offers dialog, suggested readings, and real-time problem-solving. Executive & Business Coach becomes the owner’s resource for business inquiries, research, and a source for unfiltered confidential discussions about professional issues.
We teach you how to create an effective plan that covers the major areas of the business such as, sales, marketing, service and more.
We will identify goals, the strategies necessary to accomplish those goals, and the internal performance management system that will be used to monitor and evaluate progress.
Emotional Intelligence Component
The coaching program also focuses on the individual person. The program explores individual behaviors, the application of self-assessment, self-regulating, self-management, and empathy. One of the goals is for participants to explore their current effect on people and challenge themselves to grow and adjust.
A person in an executive or higher professional role has a great deal of pressure and those pressures can offer residual damage to those who work for or with them. This training helps strengthen the individual by exploring how Emotional Intelligence can be a highly effective tool to use in a high-pressure position or situation.
The training supports individuals who are leaders, managers, supervisors, and those who are looking to pursue higher professional roles.
Expected Program Results:
- Understand the components of the EQ: Emotional Intelligence training
- Knowing your pressure points
- Effective communication that provides results
- Active engagement & listening
- Using empathy, equity, and acceptance
- Goal setting and tracking results
- Strategic thinking, processing, and planning
- Effectively managing up (your boss/principal)
- Effectively managing your boss